Waste recycling is a process that has existed since ancient times in nature, as the waste of some living organisms is food for other living organisms, so this waste is disposed of in a biologically safe manner. Man has practiced the process of waste recovery since the Bronze Age, where he melted metal materials to convert them into new tools. Recycling means reusing waste to produce other products.
Since modern societies became aware of the environmental problems resulting from various wastes, whether industrial, agricultural, or local, many countries have adopted strict policies to recycle waste. Waste recycling has many benefits, as it protects natural resources that are depleting and reduces waste, which leads to protecting the surrounding environment from pollution. It also provides new job opportunities, especially among the poor. As a more advanced step and for a better environment, the idea of cleaner production emerged in the industrial sector during the 1980s. It is based on eliminating pollutants before they occur instead of traditional, expensive methods based on treating pollution after it occurs, as cleaner production is a continuous application of a preventive strategy that includes manufacturing, marketing, and services processes, and aims to increase efficiency and reduce risks to human health. And the environment, which is a process that requires a change in the positions, behaviors and policies of both the government and industry, as cleaner production includes the use of cleaner technology, i.e. environmentally sound, whether in extracting natural resources or manufacturing, distributing, consuming or disposing of products, and other stages that they go through during their life cycle.
Based on the role played by the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization in working to support industrial and economic development in Arab countries and working to raise the competitiveness of industrial products, which requires raising the capabilities and skills of Arab human cadres in the industrial sector in all fields, and within the framework of following up on everything new and related to developing the infrastructure of the industrial sector, preparations have been made to hold this specialized workshop in the field of waste recycling and treatment of industrial waste solid / liquid / gaseous” and the use of cleaner technology in industry.