Getting to know ChatGPT first requires getting to know artificial intelligence, and despite the many definitions of artificial intelligence, it can simply be defined as “computer procedures that simulate human decision-making based on the experiences and data that have been identified.”
ChatGPT is one of the most important and famous applications of artificial intelligence, and it has already become the most famous of these tools that have become available and open for use by everyone. ChatGPT is a language model based on the GPT-3.5 structure to model and understand human language. ChatGPT has been trained on billions of words, sentences, and texts written in English and many other languages. It relies on artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning, deep neural networks, and graph cavity to understand natural language and produce texts.
ChatGPT is also considered one of the most powerful and advanced language models to date, and it is considered an important step in the field of developing language technology and improving human communication. It has become used in many applications, including automated conversations, smart chat assistants, text analysis, new text generation, machine translation, language predictions, and many other applications that require understanding Linguistically accurate and productive.
However, ChatGPT or other AI tools will not replace the roles of HR professionals, but on the contrary, it will free them from routine work, and enable them to focus on strategic work that adds real value to the company: such as employee training, performance analysis, and developing work culture, which ultimately enhances employee productivity and efficiency.